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Peregian Beach Training Centre CLOSED on Saturday 14 May 2023

Due to the current Severe Weather event affecting parts of SE Qld and in particular, the Northern end of the Sunshine Coast, training on Saturday 14th May at our Peregian Beach Training Centre is cancelled.

Your Choice

In any case, individual discretion is advised. If you feel like rugging up on the couch and skipping class due to this bad weather, we totally get it ☔️

Similarly, if you'd like to visit one of the other centres we'll remain open while its safe.

Kawana Training Centre OPEN (for now)

Kawana dog training

At this stage we are keeping Kawana Training Centre OPEN as this location is not as badly affected by potential flooding but also, the forecast is for this heavy rain to have eased back by then and there be less risk to staff and members. However, we will change this to closed if necessary, if the rain persists and the risks remain high for staff and members.

Brisbane Training Centre OPEN (Sunday 15 May)

brisbane do trainind

As for training on Sunday 15 May at the Brisbane Training Centres, they should be unaffected so will keep these as status OPEN, with a view to close if necessary but we're pretty confident the worst of this will have cleared away by then.